Si has puesto en venta alguno de tus dominios debes tener cuidado de las ofertas que recibes ya que pueden ser spammers y scammers como el caso de . Ellos te envian una carta similar a esta y de asunto ponen el nombre de tu dominio:


We've found your domain for sale after visiting several auction sites.

Please submit your price for consideration.

We are in software development and support business (contractors of large corporation)

At this time we are considering domain invetsing and reselling as additional dircetion of our investment strategy.

Looking forward to do business with you.

Mark Boenisch
Vice President
TNS Software Consulting

Este correo viene de diferentes cuentas mayormente de que dice ser Tough Technologies Consulting o tambien TNS Software Consulting entre otros. Luego te preguntan el precio del dominio el cual ellos aceptan pero te piden un certificado de valoracion que debe ser hecho en la empresa que ellos indican. Una vez que pagas la valoracion ellos desaparecen, tal como indica esta informacion que encontre en internet: are spammers and scammers. It starts with a bulk email from someone pretending to be interested in purchasing your domain. After that he asks for a price. Once you have given him a price he then requests an appraisal and directs you to a fake forum where people (fake) are talking about how good domainsecondhand is. Once an appraisal is made the sale disappears. He uses various different names for the emails and the forum is also fake and autogenerated. For an example compare these two forums where he claims to have been discussing the best appraisals: and - notice they are identical except the name is changed to match the same fake name on the emails. There is a lot more about this practice at umber=1 but for now avoid and anybody who sends an email requesting an appraisal before they'll buy your domain. This company also sells bulk spam email lists and has protected whois on all their operations - bunch of crooks. I should just add that I have not fallen for this but know many people who have - hence my posts wherever I can find these scammers.

Si deseas obtener mas experiencias simplemente escribe Domainsecondhand en el buscador de google y veras todo lo que dicen sobre estafa y fraude.

Siempre debes investigar por internet a quien vas a entregar tu dinero.

Mas información en: Dominio y Host

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